Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama’s Record Setting Presidency

By Chuck Green of the Denver Post

Obama has:

Largest budget ever.

Largest deficit ever.

Largest number of broken promises ever.

Most self-serving speeches ever.

Most golf rounds ever.

Most vacations ever.

Largest number of agenda-setting failures ever.

Fastest dive in popularity ever!

It was Bush’s fault!
On G. W. Bush:
He broke Obama's promise, to put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them.

He broke Obama's promise, to have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

He broke Obama's promise, to end earmarks.

He broke Obama's promise, to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

He broke Obama's promise, to close the detention center at Guantanamo
in the first year.

He broke Obama's promise, to make peace with direct, no precondition talks with America's most hate-filled enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation.

He broke Obama's promise, to end the hiring of former lobbyists into high White House jobs.

He broke Obama's promise, to end no-compete contracts with the government.

He broke Obama's promise, to disclose the names of all attendees at closed White House meetings.

He broke Obama's promise, for a new era of bipartisan cooperation in all matters.

He broke Obama's promise, to have chosen a home church to attend Sunday services with his family by Easter of last year.

Yes, it's all George Bush's fault ! President Obama is nothing more than a puppet in the never-ending failed Bush administration.

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, all of President Obama's problems would be solved.

His promises would have been kept, the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its work on developing a nuclear bomb
and would be negotiating a peace treaty with Israel.

North Korea would have ended its tyrannical regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government

What makes this story so sweet is the fact that Chuck Green is a life-long liberal Democrat.

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